Merit will be exhibiting at the European Vascular Course, held from 12 – 14 June in Maastricht. The course will celebrate its 25th anniversary and will comprise more than 300 workshops. Our team will be showcasing cutting-edge technologies and hosting seven experiential hands-on workshops. Please register for our workshop program via We look forward to seeing you in person at booth #28 and training room #2.4!
Check out what the Merit team has in store for attendees:
Serious Challenges in the Dialysis Access Circuit: What Treatment Options Would You Choose and Why?
Course Option 1:
- DATE: Sunday, 12 June
- TIME: 16:30 – 18:00 CEST
Course Option 2:
- DATE: Tuesday, 14 June
- TIME: 09:00 – 10:30 CEST
- Mr. James Gilbert, Transplant & Vascular Access Surgeon, Oxford, UK
Learning Objectives:
- Understand development in dialysis access
- Provide options in complex, unusual, and desperate access situations
- Learn treatment and patient algorithm
- Increase knowledge and skill set on the use of the Merit WRAPSODY™ Cell-Impermeable Endoprosthesis, HeRO® Graft, and Surfacer® Inside-Out® procedures
Attendees: This training session is designed for physicians with an interest in difficult ESRD access with patients who have central venous stenosis and central venous occlusion: vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, and nephrologists.
How Low Can You Go? Benefits of Treating to the Lowest Point of Incompetence.
Course Option 1:
- DATE: Sunday, 12 June
- TIME: 10:00 – 11:00 CEST
Course Option 2:
- DATE: Monday, 13 June
- TIME: 16:00 – 17:00 CEST
- Mr. Leith Williams, Vascular Surgeon, Wirral, UK
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the benefits of treating advanced venous disease with non-thermal, non-tumescent (NTNT) technique
- Learn an innovative approach to treat VLU
- Experience a practical approach to the ClariVein® OC device and the procedure
Attendees: This training session is designed for physicians with an interest in chronic venous insufficiency and phlebology: vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, phlebologists, angiologists, dermatologists, and physician associates.
Tackle Common Procedural Challenges: Wires, Catheters, and Snares—Which Are the Best Options?
- DATE: Sunday, 12 June
- TIME: 13:00 – 14:30 CEST
- The Merit Education Team
Learning Objectives:
- Learn the basics of diagnostic wires, catheters, and snares
- Understand how to differentiate between Teflon wires and hydrophilic wires
- Explore how to cannulate visceral and cerebral vessels by using different wires and catheters as well as the removal of foreign objects
Attendees: This training session is designed for residents with an interest in interventional radiology.
Distal First? What’s New in Transradial Access.
- DATE: Monday, 13 June
- TIME: 12:00 – 13:30 CEST
- The Merit Education Team
Learning Objectives:
- Understand proximal and distal radial access as well as how it impacts practices
- Learn ultrasound access techniques with POV instruction, haemostasis, and avoid common pitfalls
- Comprehend case selection and patient prep workflow
Attendees: This training session is designed for physicians with an interest in radial and distal radial access: interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists, neurointerventional radiologists, and interventional nephrologists.
Vascular Access Nurse—What Is the Latest ESRD Access That Can Benefit Patients with Failing Fistulas and Grafts?
- DATE: Monday, 13 June
- TIME: 09:20 – 11:00 CEST
- The Merit Education Team
Learning Objectives:
- Understand development in dialysis access
- Support vascular wellness best practice
- Improve vascular access care for patients
Attendees: This training session is designed for nurses with an interest in difficult ESRD access with patients who have central venous stenosis and central venous occlusion.
HeRO® Graft
The HeRO Graft, a hemodialysis access graft designed for catheter-dependent patients or those failing fistulas or other grafts, offers a 69% reduction in future infections compared to patients receiving catheters as well as a cost-saving of 23% on average per year.
Surfacer® Inside-Out® Access Catheter System
Pioneered by interventional cardiologist John Gurley, M.D., the Inside-Out approach was developed in response to patients with chronically occluded veins that required life-saving vascular access. Inserted in the femoral vein, the Surfacer® Inside-Out® Access Catheter System locates an exit from the right internal jugular vein, maintaining viable secondary veins if necessary.
See the Surfacer featured on the cover of June 2022 Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Merit WRAPSODY™ Cell-Impermeable Endoprosthesis
Featuring a unique tri-layered endoprosthesis microstructure, the Merit WRAPSODY Cell-Impermeable Endoprosthesis extends long-term vessel patency in patients who experience obstructions in the dialysis outflow circuit. The hydrophilic coating allows pinpoint accuracy, smooth insertion, and withdrawal with top-tier trackability.
Please Note: The Merit WRAPSODY Cell-Impermeable Endoprosthesis is not available for sale or use within the United States.
ClariVein® OC Infusion Catheter
A minimally invasive solution for patients, the ClariVein® OC Infusion Catheter features a unique 360-degree rotatable dispersion wire at the distal end. The catheter design has been engineered with a small profile, exceptional flexibility, strong imaging visualization, and excellent pushability.
Please Note: The ClariVein OC Infusion Catheter is not available for sale or use within the United States.
Merit MAK™ Mini Access Kit
To access the vascular system, Merit MAK Mini Access Kits take a very small approach, minimizing bleeding and trauma for the patient. Merit MAK guide wires are carefully engineered with a fully enclosed hoop and available in several configurations. Each kit includes a coaxial introducer/dilator pair, 21G needle, and guide wire.
Merit is committed to offering healthcare professionals the technologies and education opportunities they need to improve patient care. We are proud to participate in EVC 2022 and look forward to seeing you in person. Register for EVC and all workshops at
Merit WRAPSODY™ Endoprosthesis and ClariVein® OC are not approved or available for sale in the United States.
Before using any of the Merit products mentioned above, refer to Instructions for Use for indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and directions for use.
- Katzman et al., J Vasc Surg 2009.
- Dageforde et al., JSR 2012.