Merit Medical’s global headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT, received the Utah Business 2019 Green Business Award, a recognition that highlights organizations and individuals that have made an effort to promote sustainability within the Utah community. We specifically won for our waste and recycling efforts and were honored at an awards luncheon on October 24th. Alisha Jerauld, Vice President, Environment, Social & Governance, attended the event to accept the award on behalf of the company.

Reducing the amount of plastic molding waste we generate is one way we implement environmentally sustainable practices into our manufacturing processes. In addition to an extensive plastic molding-recycling program, our global headquarters also partners with companies that can use our plastic waste. In 2018, we recycled 558,787 lb of plastic molding waste. Our team is also mindful of the resources is takes to produce plastic. As new molds are purchased for plastic parts, we’ve transitioned to hot runner molds designed to produce only what’s needed, minimizing plastic waste.
Another green initiative recognized was our program to reduce plastic film thickness and foil used in kits and packs packaging. Merit produces upwards of 15 million kits and packs per year. Our Salt Lake City team was able to reduce plastic film thickness and foil packaging material use by 30.65 tons in 2018 without compromising quality.

Also in 2018, packaging engineering created Merit Smart Shipping, a significant program designed to ship products in their own packaging. By eliminating the need for additional materials, such as plastic bubble wrap and boxes, Merit Smart Shipping helps to reduce both company and customer waste. Last year the program saved 57 tons of brown corrugated box material.
The Green Business Award also took into consideration our efforts to transition all facilities worldwide from paper to electronic work orders, a program that greatly reduces the amount of paper and plastic we use. By 2022, all Merit work orders will be electronic, decreasing paper usage by 2.8 million pieces and 20,000 plastic sleeves annually.
In addition to reducing and recycling hard goods, this year our team at Salt Lake City designed a water recycling system that allows the company to use secondary-water in order to reduce potable water consumption. Instead of city water, the new system filters and pumps secondary water through an irrigation system, serving as a source for everything but human use. Because our headquarters is the largest of our facilities and is located in the dry climate of Utah, this water recycling system has helped us to conserve a very limited resource.
We’re honored to be one of Utah Business 2019 Green Business Award recipients. Visit our Environmental Sustainability page to explore more programs and accomplishments.
See the full list of Utah Business 2019 Green Business Award winners.