This year we exceeded our goals and efforts to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
First, we exceeded our donation goal to Breastcancer.org and are pleased to announced a $32,000 donation to BreastCancer.org!
Merit’s facilities and employees around the world all participated enthusiastically in charitable awareness events, education efforts, and recognition activities, which encouraged employee engagement and raised awareness in our communities. In total, 121 photos were shared with us from employees around the world!
Please join us in celebrating a successful Breast Cancer Awareness month with a look back at the photos and memories from the month.
The Breast Cancer “Fight Club” wall at our Salt Lake City, UT HQ, was a place to acknowledge the bravery it takes to battle breast cancer and honored our sisters, mothers, daughters, friends, and even ourselves. We had one wall in each of two buildings and they filled up quickly throughout the month. It’s amazing to see how many people are affected by breast cancer.
Thanks for supporting #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth in Maastricht. Great job on the displays!

Great job, Aliso Viejo, for supporting #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth by painting pumpkins together and wearing your pink!

Way to go Melbourne on holding a Pot Luck Fundraiser to raise money for BCNA. It looks like you had a great time with amazing food and heard from a firsthand survivor on treatment and debunking common myths.

In honor of #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, our team at Merit China held an employee breast health training that covered the importance of early detection, screening and diagnosis, and treatment options. Keep up the great work, Merit China!

Our South Jordan team, which began with three Merit employees, raised $800.00 in two weeks. Amazing job!!

Globally, #breastcancer represents 1 in 4 of all cancers in women. To honor #BCAM, our Melbourne team held a “Pink-Inspired” tea with donations made to Breast Cancer Network Australia. Employees received updates on breast cancer research, treatment, and prevention.

All over the globe, our team is coming together to honor #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth. Here’s Merit Brazil showing their support!

During #PinkOctober, our teams worldwide are showing their support for #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth. Looking good, Merit Singapore!
Merit Tijuana standing together in the fight against #breastcancer!

Our Merit South Africa team joined more than 20,000 people this past weekend in the 5K Avon Justine iThemba Walkathon in Johannesburg to support the fight against #breastcancer!

Our Merit Medical Coatings team in Venlo enjoyed “roze koeken” (pink cakes) and tested their knowledge with a “Pink Quiz” to support #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth!

Here’s our Prelude IDeal™ evening shift showing their support for #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth!
Account Executive Jason Waltz took his passion for #breastcancerawareness to Rochester, NY, where he rode in the Go PINK! 50-mi Ride and Run. Way to go, Jason! #BCAM

Hey, Richmond! Way to show your support wearing the pink boas!!

#Pinkout for #breastcancer with Merit South Jordan’s Cleanroom Crew! We love how you’re showing your support!

Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month from all of our friends at Merit Paris! Looking Good!

Hello, Merit Medical South Africa!! You are so inspiring.
Merit South Africa is showing their support by delivering educational health talks, contributing funds to provide community breast cancer screening services, and more!

Tijuana has taken Breast Cancer Awareness Month to the next level by lighting the building up in pink and recognizing their breast cancer survivors. Great job, Tijuana!!

The South Jordan Campus showed up to listen to our Chief Wellness Officer speak on “Breast Cancer Detection and Prevention” on Pink Out Thursday. If you missed out we’ll have a recap video soon.

Proud in pink! Here’s how some of our employees at Merit Tijuana are supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Orgullosos en color de rosa! Así es como algunos de nuestros empleados en Merit Tijuana están apoyando el mes de concientización sobre el cáncer de mama.

We’re raising the flag at Merit Medical headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT, in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

One of Merit’s South Jordan employees participating in the MORE THAN PINK Walk™ this year with her children.

Showing Merit’s support for Breast Cancer Awareness at home — and on the road.

He’s all in! Jason, a Merit Medical SCOUT® rep, was out flying the colors and raising money at the Syracuse Ride for a Cure 50-mile ride this weekend.
Merit Medical South Jordan employees participating in the Susan G. Komen MORE THAN PINK Walk™, helping to raise money to reduce deaths by breast cancer.

Each year in October, organizations, companies, and people around the world demonstrate their support for breast cancer, the most common cancer in women worldwide, and work to raise awareness about treatments and detection as part of International Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM).
Merit Medical, with a long-standing commitment to women’s health and products that support the diagnosis and treatment of early-stage breast cancer, enjoys taking time in October to raise awareness in the community as well as among our employees.

In September, we announced a partnership with Breastcancer.org, an organization that shares Merit’s commitment to reducing the burden of breast cancer and to providing information and choices, so women can make the most informed choices. For the months of September and October, we are committed to donating $1,000 for each SCOUT® console purchased worldwide to Breastcancer.org.
Follow our journey of commitment throughout the month on this page!